More vegan options at Wagamama
What I like about Wagamama
I love the fact that customers have a different attitude when they’re in Wagamama. We know that we may be seated close to strangers. We are aware that the seating is more informal. We recognise that our ‘placemat’ is also a record of what we’ve ordered.
It’s different and I like it.
Customers don’t suffer as a result. We don’t have a limited choice of items on the menu. The menu is vast and caters for omnivores, veggies, vegans and more.
Gaz Oakley’s Avant Garden
There was a lot of hype about this dish. I read reviews saying that the egg looked like an egg, but that was all it acheived, whereas, others raved about the dish and were chuffed about the fact that a huge chain like Wagamama had launched it.
My view: the entire dish was alright and the ‘egg’ was fine too. Those who said it doesn’t taste anything like an egg are right, but it was nice in its own right i.e. without the label, egg, attached to it.

Myth: “Vegans really struggle to eat out. They can’t get a two-course meal, let alone a three-course one!”
I can’t stress how false this is.
Here are SOME of chains that have vegan dishes on their menu.
All Bar One
Gourmet Burger Kitchen
Las Iguanas
Le Pain Quotidien
Ping Pong
Pizza Express
Slug and Lettuce
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“I eat everything that nature voluntarily gives: fruits, vegetables, and the products of plants. But I ask you to spare me what animals are forced to surrender: meat, milk, and cheese.”