No drama, and no bother. Villa Pompei can cater to anyone's requirements!
What's so good about Villa Pompei in Pinner, London?
Villa Pompei is an Italian restaurant that's located in Pinner. It's spacious, and the seating areas are set up, so that large parties have a slightly separate section. Their menu is vast, but the best part of Villa Pompei, is that they don't make their food in advance. This means that they can veganise a huge amount of items on their menu, and it's not bother to them, because they were going to make it from scratch anyway!
When I ate at Villa Pompei
When I went to Villa Pompei, the Manager was taking orders and he was amazing. He knew how the dishes were made, as well as, having a good understanding of which ingredients were used; and when he wasn't sure, he was happy to check. He explained that we could pretty much have anything on the menu. Pesto usually isn't vegan, but the chef veganised it for us so we could have the pasta shown below.

This is what I liked about Villa Pompei:-
- the customer service
- how keen they were to adapt dishes to ensure we could order what we wanted
- the freshness of the food
- the layout of the seating
- how enthusiastic the staff were about the restaurant and what they can offer
Would I go to Villa Pompei again? Definitely!
Would I reccomend it to others? Oh yes!
Do I think it's hard for vegans to eat out? Definitely not!
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“The single biggest thing I can do, if I claim to love the earth is live on a completely plant based diet. Good for my health and the environment. If I claim I love animals, then we have to not limit our love to cats and dogs, but broaden our notion to see all beings as our brothers and sisters.”