Will fans of Loving Hut in Edgware be disappointed with the restaurant's change of brand?
Loving Hut in Edgware
The restaurant where we've enjoyed the food shown in the photos, (and more), has been enjoyed at Loving Hut in Edgware. We have eaten there many times, and taken friendly and family, who have enjoyed it as much as we have! In fact, many of us are 'regulars' at Loving Hut.
A few of us had planned to go to this same Loving Hut a couple of weeks ago, and I was really disappointed to hear that it had closed down. We didn't even think to check that it was still there, but our friends searched for it and said it didn't exist. The found something similar, which was called Zen Buddha but none of us had any idea about how the food would be there. We agreed to go to Zen Buddha and see what it was like.
Zen Buddha in Edgware
We got to Zen Buddha which was in the same place that the Loving Hut was, and were really confused when we looked up to see that it was still called Loving Hut.
The long and short of it is; this branch of Loving Hut is now called Zen Buddha, the menu will stay the same, the staff will remain and there's no change in location. The only change that will follow is that the signage will be changed to reflect their new name.
I am unaware of any other consequences of the change in name. However, customers should be pleased with the fact that the changes in terms of location and food won't have a negative impact on them.
Doesn't this food look awesome?

Now for a bit of myth-busting...
Myth: "It must be so hard to eat out when you're vegan"
Truth: With more vegan restaurants, cafes and pubs opening, and, non-vegan places introducing vegan options; eating out is even easier than it was before!
These articles will help you see how easy it is for vegans to eat out.
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“There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery.”