A question for YOU, prompted by a vegan baby shower
Is there any obstacle that can stop us making the shift to being vegan?
Attending this vegan baby shower made me realise that I'm eager to ask you a question.
I am going to make a few statements and then leave you to ponder on 'the' question.
A few statements
Many people say that being vegan is hard and living a vegan lifestyle is harder, or even impossible!
With supermarkets selling vegan items, as well as, creating their own vegan products, is shopping for vegan food difficult? Now that for example, clothes, shoes and belts are labelled better, is it hard to do a vegan shop that goes beyond food? With thanks to companies like Superdrug launching their own vegan range of cosmetics and pairing up with others to offer more variety; is any part of living vegan lifestyle difficult?
When it comes to eating out, most chains and independents have vegan options, that even include a vegan dessert, so are we missing out on anything here?
An increased awareness amongst caterers means we can arrange vegan baby showers, weddings and other events effortlessly.
There are so many vegan recipe books. Some focus on making meals quickly, whilst others have more fancy recipes. The point is, making vegan food is no longer the unknown!
The question....
So...is it difficult to live a vegan lifestyle?

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“I made the choice to be vegan because I will not eat (or wear, or use) anything that could have an emotional response to its death or captivity. I can well imagine what that must feel like for our non-human friends - the fear, the terror, the pain - and I will not cause such suffering to a fellow living being.”