A collection of recipes that I've used and loved!
This article is full of recipes that I haven't created myself, but I thought you'd appreciate the recipe and a bit more!
This collection includes the recipe, plus photos and a few comments! I hope it's useful.
Oh and this article isn't complete. I'll try different recipes and share my findings!
Last updated in December 2024
This cake was light and tasty.
It was a bit too involved for hubby, who made it with me.
We took it to a friend’s house and they loved it.
We all thought it was yummy with some vanilla ice cream.
Recipe for Coffee Cake
The thing I liked most about this is that it’s something different.
The taste of Earl Grey was subtle and pleasant.
It was easy to make and the guests I made it for loved it.
Recipe for Earl Grey Tea Loaf
Oh my goodness! This fudge was delicious!
It was quick and easy to make. Good or bad, it would take no time to eat the fruits of this recipe! However, considering what’s in it, I wouldn’t make it too often and I definitely wouldn’t make it for us to share between the two of us! That would be too dangerous! :)
Recipe for Biscoff Fudge
I made these for a family get-together. I really liked the subtle flavours and the fact that it’s not oversweet. I dusted it with icing sugar to give it a little extra sweetness for the family as I thought they’d want that. It was really easy to make,. It was made even simpler because I got Cacao Butter that was moulded into buttons. This was easy to remove from the packet and it made it easy to use what was needed. If it was in the form of a block, there would be faff around cutting off the amount required.
Recipe for mulberry and pistachio fudge
I don’t remember ever having New York style Cheesecake prior to going vegan, so I had nothing to compare this with. However, I made it to take to a friend’s place and one of them was a huge fan of cheesecakes. She was very aware of how this type of cheesecake ‘should’ taste and she really liked this vegan version of it! She said it was the way it should be! :)
Recipe for Vegan New York Cheesecake
This recipe was simple and needed only four ingredients. Making truffles is a bit messy but it’s worth it! These truffles did exactly what they should. They melted in the mouth. Yum!
Recipe for Chocolate Orange Truffles
I made these almond butter brownies to take to a friend’s place when a few of us got together. The recipe was easy to follow and it didn’t take too long to make. I was caught short as I didn’t have flax seeds, so I substituted them for chia seeds. Some articles say that you don’t need to use ground chia seeds and that whole ones will do. Although, I was fine with it, some people don’t like having crunchy bits in their brownie. Lastly, instead of using 300g of coconut sugar, I used used 250g.
Recipe for almond butter brownies
I made this raw vegan strawberry cheesecake for Christmas. It was easy to make and went down a treat with the family. I think it looked better before I added the silver decoration on it, so I won’t use that next time!
The recipe for Raw Vegan Strawberry Cheesecake
The photos above show you the first cake that I've ever baked! I wasn't really interested before, but this has changed recently. And what a recipe to start with! It was a delight to make, because it was easy, it didn't involve many ingredients, the items that were needed are available in most supermarkets and the longest part was when it was being cooked, as opposed to, the preparation. These are factors that matter to me, but even more so, it was moist and delicious!
Recipe for this Vegan Chocolate Fudge Cake
This was another new venture. I hadn't made fudge before, but since finding this recipe, I've made it a few times! This raw fudge is really quick to make, creating a fudge that melts in your mouth! It's so delicious!
Recipe for Raw Fudge
This is my second attempt at making a chocolate chip cupcake. I was disheartened after my first try because although they looked amazing they tasted really doughy and they weren't very moist.
I used a different recipe to make the cupcakes shown above time and I felt super chuffed! These cupcakes were delicious, moist, sweet but not too sweet, they didn't take long to make, and all the ingredients were easy to find.
Recipe for Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
These cookies were quick and easy to make and I didn't get bored of eating them either! They were crunchy, savoury, yet sweet and simply morish!
Recipe for Thumbprint Cookies
To make these cookies, you need a little time and patience but the result is delicious! I'd recommend making them at least once! Maybe you and a friend could make them together. Catch up, make these delicious treats and then have a sitdown and enjoy them with a cuppa.
Recipe for Linzer Cookies
This recipe uses ingredients that are easy to source, which is always a bonus! The cookies were easy to make and I ended up with a batch of soft, tasty, moreish cookies.
Recipe for Peanut Butter Cookies
Suraj and I were going to have dessert and coffee with some friends. The thing is...they're not vegan, and we were meeting them socially, for the first time. For this reason, I didn't want them to stress about finding a vegan dessert recipe and feel any type of anxiety about it, so I offered to bring something with me. I also wanted to try out this recipe and hopefully impress with them with how delicious vegan cakes can be.
The recipe was easy to follow, it uses ingredients which are easily available and the result was delicious!
We took some of the leftover cake for family that we visited the next day. So apart from Suraj and I, four people tried this Raspberry Chocolate Cake and the comments were positive.
Recipe for Raspberry Chocolate Cake
We went to see a couple who had twins about eleven months ago. They try not to give them sugary things, but the parents like desserts, and I like trying new recipes, so this was the perfect opportunity to make this Peanut Butter Mousse Pie.
It was an easy recipe to follow, took less than 20 minutes to make, and it tasted delicious, especially when it had been chilled.
I followed the recipe with a few tiny changes:
I used 1 cup of walnut halves and another of pecan nuts
I used a 250g packet of pitted dates.
The recipe for Peanut Butter Mousse Pie
We've invited my cousins over for drinks and dessert on the weekend. This is one of the treats I've made for us. Chai-Infused Chocolate Truffles! The recipe was easy to follow, the steps weren't complicated, the ingredients are pretty easy to find, it didn't take long to make, and most of all, they taste delicious!
The recipe for the Chai-Infused Chocolate Truffles
This recipe was super easy to follow. I made it a few weeks ago (as you’ll see above) but I amended the recipe a little more this time.
I followed the recipe with a few changes:
I used 1 cup of walnut halves and another of pecan nuts
I used a 250g packet of pitted dates.
I melted some dark chocolate and mixed it with maple syrup and vegan single cream. I spread a thin layer of it on the base. I spread the peanut butter mousse on top of that and then added more of the chocolate as a final layer.
I made two desserts for a recent family get-together and when pushed to choose a favourite, they chose this one.